Exporter (based on the forward example):
The Client hedged using a forward based on initial parameters, where a foreign consumer had undertaken to pay EUR 100,000 by 30 June, i.e. by 30 June they will need to add EUR 100,000. The consumer reports that the payment for the goods will be delayed by 14 days, and therefore the client does a swap and extends the settlement terms of the originally negotiated forward by 14 days. By 30 June the client purchases EUR 100,000 at the present exchange rate, and thereby settles the original forward and at the same time, in the same moment, sells EUR 100,000 with a new settlement date 14 days from now. The value of the new forward exchange rate will be based on the current exchange rate, modified by forward points.
The key information about this product can be found in the Required Information section
in the Key Information part.
If, however, the company receives payment for goods in advance, the existing Forward may be settled in advance in full or in part using a Swap.
A swap may also be used if a company has excessive reserves of one currency and yet a deficit of a different currency which it requires to pay its obligations due. Using a swap, it can carry out two operations (spot and forward) where it temporarily purchases the insufficient currency by selling the surplus currency At the set date in the future, it conducts the opposite exchange at the previously agreed exchange rate.