A forward contract is a basic type of currency hedge. It is an agreement for future purchase or sale of foreign currency at a fixed, set exchange rate completed at a previously established time in the future. The forward exchange rate is based on the spot rate, modified by so-called "forward points". These are determined by the duration of the period for which the forward contract has been arranged, and the difference in the interest rates of the traded currencies. With a fixed forward rate a company gains security and eliminates risks arising from future negative exchange rate trends. On the other hand, the company cannot profit from any positive trend for these exchange rates. For this reason it is appropriate to decide between insuring 100% of the trade or only a part of it.
There are no fees for completing a forward contract. Forwards can be set for a certain period (up to 1 year standard, or longer in individual cases). The number and amounts of such trades are unlimited. The trade becomes binding at the moment of completing the transaction.