The client expects payments from foreign companies, which are to pay him a total of EUR 500,000 for the goods he has purchased within 12 months, i.e. by 31 December. He enters into a forward trade, which gives the client a forward exchange rate at which all currency conversions will be made until 31 December (forward exchange rate).
The key information about this product can be found in the Required Information section
in the Key Information part.
All drawdowns during the term of the amortising forward are at the originally agreed forward rate and at no additional cost.
If the conversion trade is not drawn down in full no later than the predetermined maturity date of the forward, it is possible to use a swap trade to postpone the settlement date of the whole or the undrawn portion of the forward, thus delaying its drawdown to an appropriate time. In this case, the originally agreed forward trade/portion of the forward trade will be revalued and a new forward trade will be entered into at current market values.
In case you are interested in this product and think that you would use it as an advantageous tool to reduce the risk related to your business, please do not hesitate to contact us.