Dollar exchange rate (USD)

    Best dollar rates

    The U.S. dollar (USD) and the dollar exchange rate has played a significant role in the world's financial markets since its inception and introduction. The dollar was introduced in 1785 and almost immediately after a few years gained a huge influence ba the financial market. The name was derived from the historical German name for Czech silver coins - tolars. These were known as Joachimsthaler because they were minted in Jáchymov (Joachimsthal) in Bohemia at the time. The Upper German equivalent for tolar is Thaler or Taler. The US dollar code according to ISO 4217 is USD, the International Monetary Fund also uses the designation US$.

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    Today, the U.S. dollar (USD) is the official currency in several countries inside and outside the U.S., and even more countries use the dollar (USD) as a reserve currency. Thus, it is natural that the US dollar (USD) plays a very important role in the global financial markets. The dollar (USD) and the dollar exchange rate have undergone a complex evolution since its introduction. For example, the dollar exchange rate did not join the gold standard until the beginning of the twentieth century. After World War II, the Bretton Woods Agreement made the dollar (USD) the only currency convertible into gold. Thus, the role of the dollar (USD) in world markets is categorically changing. A similar situation occurred in the case of oil and gas, which strengthened the position of the dollar (USD) even more significantly. By now, the position of the dollar (USD) in world markets has been strengthened several times, and even today it has a decisive position in financial markets.

    Buying and selling the dollar without fees

    Executing a dollar exchange has never been easier. At Accenta, we exchange currencies instantly and best of all - completely free of charge. No matter the size of the transaction, we offer fast and efficient service with no hidden fees.

    Fast and flexible foreign payments

    Akcenta emphasises speed and efficiency when trading with the euro. We execute the exchange immediately and ensure that your transaction goes smoothly and without unnecessary fees. Our services are designed to match the dynamic pace of today's financial world. Your company deserves a unique solution. That's why at Accenta we offer euro transactions with individually tailored terms and conditions that take into account the size and specifics of your company. Our flexible approaches ensure that the terms and conditions are always tailored to your specific needs.

    Our exchange rates




    The exchange rates shown are informative in nature; for the most up-to-date rates, please call +420 498 777 800. You can find current exchange rates in our Online Broker anytime.

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